Aug 6, 2022Liked by Michelle Rabin Ph. D.

Thank you Michelle for pointing out those 2 Substacks from Kennedy and Malone. I agree that they are both important reads. Sadly though, despite all the evidence that they point out that keeps piling up, we still can't get MSM or the majority of people to take notice. The power of confirmation bias is strong.

I met a friend yesterday morning for coffee. He and his wife are both vaccinated and boosted. We discussed the current situation with Covid and I shared the overwhelming evidence of lack of effectiveness of these vaccines and that even the CDC and Fauci have stated such. Despite that, and other facts I presented, he continues to cling to the false belief that they do work. What I have come to know over the years is that people who are dug in with a particular belief, cannot be shifted by facts. People no longer belief in facts. People respond emotionally and hold on for dear life. There is no point in using facts or logic. We must approach people with compassion and understanding regarding their fears and work more gently to help them see what many of us see and understand about this pandemic. Maybe, hopefully, as you suggested, we can start making a difference one on one if we stop using facts as a blunt instrument to hit people over the head with.

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Michelle Rabin Ph. D.

Well said. Malone is a bit blinded by his dislike of left and preference for the right which is too bad. If the right were to gain more power they will not save us, they will change their tune according to what their corporate sponsors dictate.

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Here's more from today's Trial Site News.

"Recently, a contributor to TrialSite, Dr. James Thorp, recently interviewed Albert Benavides, a world expert on the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reaction System (VAERS). Dr. Thorp suggests that the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and more continue to reject the very purpose of VAERS in the first place—a vital database used to identify safety signals. But how could VAERS data signals be rejected when the very system was designed for this very purpose?

According to Dr. Thorp, there is irrefutable evidence that this rejection of VAERS is based on an absolutely false narrative. During the interview, these experts speculate on what could be considered the unthinkable: groups and participants deeply embedded in organized medicine are deleting cases with adverse events, delaying reporting for months, and throttling the results to minimize vaccine-induced adverse events." I encourage everyone to subscribe to this platform. They have provided countless truthful reporting on all thing Covid."

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I just got my daily Trial Site News email and want to share the important points with you as I believe the cracks are finally started to appear around the globe. As brave physicians and researchers step with with the truth, more people will eventually understand what is happening around the world.

"The Scottish government has shared reports demonstrating excess deaths occurring during the pandemic however, according to an academic researcher, this same government has omitted the distinct possibility that these deaths are linked to adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. The national government within the UK acknowledged these excess deaths and pointed the finger at one of two culprits, including A) COVID-19 caseload or 2) indirect health impacts of the pandemic. What they do not utter a word on are the results of an inquiry conducted that evidence significant excess death data yet suggests another potential source of the rise in deaths: adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines. Recently Professor Richard Enos went on the record to feature a Scottish government inquiry linking excess deaths and COVID-19 vaccines. In an interview on GBN News, Professor Richard Enos shared that based on data from 2021 and now 2022, it would appear that the cause of the deaths is linked to adverse effects from the COVID-19 vaccines. Enos suggests the Scottish government actively suppresses the real-world data finding that the COVID-19 vaccines are somehow linked to the excess deaths." Thank you Professor Enos. I suspect you'll likely be losing your job in the not too distant future, but know that you're one of the Covid heros, on the right side of history.

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Okay, here's a postcard from the edge. ^_^

Because while you and smbushberg are clearly on the road of truth and open eyes, there is much more to be found along the road that may interest you both...

I'll just list some things, knowing some of it will likely be quite difficult to immediately embrace, and maybe never, but, I've been on this road for a while now (April 2020), and while I'm not a medical expert, I do have a big brain, and I don't say any of this without a fair amount of research behind it... There are good sources for what I currently think is valid, and there may be little tweaks coming in the future, but this is how things stand currently, and I can expand further should you want it...

1. Virology is a fake science. I know Robert Malone seems like a wonderful guy, but he knows this is the case and still he pushes it as "truth." There has NEVER been a virus that has been isolated.

Listen to experts on this: https://www.bitchute.com/video/22vkPIkDP0eD/?r=7yqkt Once you can absorb the information in this video, just let me know if you'd like more! ^_^ I think you're both ready to "take the plunge" and go "whole hog." xo xo

2. This whole "Covid" thing is indeed a scam, a fraud, an evil perpetrated on the entire world, which has done such damage as a psy-op that there are many people who simply CANNOT take in any facts that challenge their belief because they are suffering from what Professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist, describes as "Mass Formation Psychosis," in which the Human thought processes are so incapacitated by terror that people become like cult members, unable to think critically or rationally, and this condition can last for a long time, or forever. It's like Lizard Brain thinking, and they can't shut it off, unless they somehow can manage to question their views. That takes courage, and a DESIRE to consider alternative ideas.

3. Why is Covid even happening? Because this is a coup d'etat by a very few people, relatively speaking, who are outrageously wealthy psychopaths, who have been setting up this coup for a long, long time. They are eugenicists, determined to not only cull the human population in order to more easily control all of us, but to take over everything, own everything, and hybridize those humans left after this cull, and control them, as slaves. This plan has been described to us, BY THOSE BEHIND IT. They say they will "hack" our brains, chip us, control our thinking... It's their plan, and they are so arrogant that they want to talk about it, tell us what's coming, which they've been doing for some time. It's jaw-dropping, hard to take in, but clearly, if you listen to Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Thing Harari, and other globalists, it's what they have in mind. The sheer and intense evil of these people and their plans for humanity and for the earth is astonishing. So... it's not unusual to be so shocked that you can't quite get your head around it... Of course, they will fail.

4. I do love Bobby Kennedy, Jr. He's a keeper, and yet, he hasn't been able to cross the Bridge of Viruses into Terrain Theory (I had to study it, but I find it very exciting!). It's difficult to take in Terrain Theory when we've had the false Germ Theory pushed on us for 150 years. FACT: There has never, ever, been an ISOLATED virus. And, another FACT even more astonishing: Contagion itself has never been proven! Bacterial infections, YES; Viral infections, no. FOLLOW THE MONEY. The name "Rockefeller" is synonymous with the corruption and usurpation of natural medicine, replaced by pharmaceuticals, initially a means of selling the by-products (trash) of petroleum (what made John D. Rockefeller so wealthy), and now almost entirely a mafia based on not medicine, but substances that harm us (side effects) ... deliberately. Sounds insane, I know! That's what unfettered GREED does to people... And generations of extremely wealthy people breeds oligarchy, which breeds sociopathology, and now we're in your wheelhouse, Michelle! ^_^

And now we have this "Covid" scam, all to absorb even more money (our economy is about to implode after decades of fiat currency) with vaccines (and wipe out a lot of people so to lessen the problem of us fighting back), a Crime Against Humanity (and our pets) in and of itself. Follow the money. These vaccine companies, such as Pfizer, are criminal enterprises, convicted of duplicity and illegality, paying out millions of dollars for it, and yet, they continue to exist as commercial enterprises. Pfizer's forced release of their study of the "vaccine" they have used on hundreds of thousands of people is nothing but a condemnation of their malfeasance. They bury themselves, in other words.

The utter insanity of "taking over the world" and installing a New World Order, a global government, and WE will "own nothing and be happy" is so bizarre and freakish and ludicrous, we can be assured that they will not succeed... But what happens until we can marshal ourselves and stop them? We suffer. Our children are being sterilized, young women are being sterilized... While this plan of theirs is utterly mad, it's also been in the works for decades. And while they may not understand normal human beings well enough to pull this off, they DO understand how to terrorize, how to use our fear to control us, and how to use science to damage us physically and emotionally very very seriously.

Okay, you've just been red-pilled, although there is MUCH more to learn, this is kind of the overview as I am able to give it. If you think I'm completely out of my mind, that's okay, I understand. It does sound completely absurd! Yep, it does. It IS completely absurd, and LUDICROUS! Yep, yep, yep. I hope you'll nose around the internet, but I'm happy to give you some pointings if you'd like. I save a lot of stuff.

I'm telling you these things because WE NEED PEOPLE to get on board. Smart people. And to share this knowledge, when people seem ready to hear it. Don't waste your time with those who are brainwashed, they'll come around when they're ready, IF they ever are. But the tide is turning, and we would do well to organize and develop some strategies. Non-compliance, for one... Cheers, m'dears. I hope I have not offended or bothered either of you.

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