
I hear you. This has not happened over the last 2 years of Covid. Remember what the editors in chief of the 2 leading peer reviewed journals have publically stated, some back in 2002.

Dr. Marcia Angell, Harvard physician and editor in chief of the NEJM said:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor.”

Dr. Relman, another former editor in chief of the NEJM said this in 2002 - “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”

Richard Horton, editor in chief of the Lancet said:

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness” (2). Horton R. Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma? [Last accessed August 5, 2015]. www.thelancet.com. Available from: http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736%2815%2960696-1.pdf.

They were telling us all quite clearly that the public health agencies, research centers and academic institutions of our country have been captured by the pharmaceutical industry. No one took any action. It is interesting that Richard Horton, then editor of the Lancet, is stil editor in chief and despite his cries of science "turning toward the darkness", HE is continuing to produce tainted science.

I feel your pain - all of us who aren't living in an alternate reality, feel it as well. We thought the Big Lie was a nightmare that was damaging our very democracy. The unnecessary deaths of half a million Americans however is a Bigger Lie I'm afraid.

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by Michelle Rabin Ph. D.

The Lancet owes the scholarly world an apology. More generally, as you well point out, our institutions of public trust have thoroughly undermined themselves. I am overwhelmed by the range and depth of failure. Which is also the absence of checks and balances, whether academic (research), political, journalistic, or otherwise. We got here so quickly that it must have been long in the making. An erosion. The structures in place weakened, consistently compromised. Then with an additional stressor, the collapse -- the catastrophe. It's honestly like I am walking around in the ruins of the academic and intellectual world I grew up with, grew up in.

The good news, I suppose. Denmark has called the pandemic over. Japan never went in for vaccine mandates, and did allow doctors to treat Covid patients with ivermectin. The USA is not all the world. But I am still struggling to process it all: including and most disturbing the rage and hatred continually expressed by many of my fellow Americans against anyone who does not meet the ever-shifting definition of "fully vaccinated."

If the vaccine were a sterilizing vaccine, I might understand that rage and hatred a bit better. If Dying from Covid (as opposed to "Dying with Covid") presented a serious mortality risk to even a small percentage of the population -- and not a percentage of a percentage, I also might understand that rage and hatred a bit better.

Right now, I'm having trouble grasping it. It truthfully seems like the American public is being manipulated to destructive ends by a predatory elite. I hate conspiracy theories. But I don't know what else might explain it -- particularly since over the past two years, we've seen an immense transfer of wealth from roughly lower 60% percent of society to the upper 2%. But even if this does explain something, and again I hate conspiracy theories, how does that help us? I apologize for presently having no solutions to contribute.

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Thanks for so eloquently pointing out the insane absurdity of everything.You commented on my piece that people don't believe it because it is unbelievable. Excellent point. I constantly rack my brain for strategies. It seems so obvious to some of us, then to realize how those in their hermetically sealed media bubble are still drinking the kool aid. We are getting closer to a tipping point -though a daunting challenge.

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It's getting obvious that the virus and vaccines were manufactured as a scam by the very same oligarchs who shapes the media narratives. They own high stakes in all the relevant pharmaceutical companies. They own most of mainstream media. They network and cooperate with big tech. Just like how they took down Trump.

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Thank you, my thoughts exactly!

I have been steaming since the total censorship or bashing of the Senate Homeland Security Hearings in 2020.

How about printing up data/info highlights of the most recent yet again boycotted Hearings by Sen. Johnson and mailing them to all of our Government representatives? Signature required. To all local newspapers and TV stations. Bill Maher

Come up with a template “letter to editor” to send.

Print up info postcards for Early Covid Treatment info to be distributed where possible in public

I was so worked up after the Homeland Hearings that I wanted to print up the AAPS Covid care info and pass it out at Covid testing sites in NYC. Good intentions are nice, but action is the game changer.

I would be happy to donate and assist if anyone is interested in collaborating with any of these ideas.

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Understand the reality of depraved-heart murder




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Please tell me. I have a printer and paper. If I also wanted to start sending out packages of best documents to my local health and safety facilities. What would I send? Tom Renz has been on Bannon’s War Room last couple weeks to reach a larger audience. Would I send his .ppt presentation? How long before the insurance companies call foul? They will go bankrupt, the death toll and payouts are not sustainable! The HR departments of the companies that have mandated these jabs are 110% aware who is dying. I’m dumbfounded by all the “silence”. I ask God daily how this can happen?

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It is traumatizing to know this, even if you can comprehend or incorporate it. Think of Iris Chang, who studied the Nanking Massacre to such depth that she went out into the Sunnyvale CA hills and shot herself. Think of the liberators of Auschwitz who stood there looking upon the emaciated survivors behind the fence and how they describe their inability to process, even visually, what they were seeing. No one believed the reports coming out of the death camps in Germany either.

The deportees just assumed it was the same old, same old, the Pale, and they were lied to, of course, about where they were going. It is devastating to sensitive compassionate people to believe this and know this. I have known a long time about pharma, the takeover of journalism, how we are no longer a representative government, and still, I come up against some new information which is disseminated by a highly credentialed medical person, with no conflict of interest, and at first I just reject it. Carom off of it, deflect away. There is something deeply psychological going on that may in part be due to our overuse of our left brain function (Iain MacGilchrist) and our behavioral immune systems https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/science/articles/doidge-plague-journal-immunity.

And to ask people to know this, to reject their baited and switched trusted news sources, after all the trauma of the pandemic, is to ask a lot. It is a psychological conundrum.

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