Nov 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Rabin Ph. D.

Thank you Michelle. I look forward to your essays and will share far and wide. The convenience and addiction to faster and faster technology has overtaken the sensibilities of many.

Just as many people didn’t question or want to doubt the experts and authorities regarding the mandated injections (gamely rolling up their sleeves to go to work/school/dinner/social events) and got sucked into the fear campaign, they are also unwilling or unable to take a broader look at the issue of corporate capture of our regulatory agencies. It’s like it’s just too hard to believe the government isn’t protecting us.

As we have become attached to our phones, and our kids/young adults don’t know life without the constant connection, it’s easier not to associate the negative effects and symptoms of too much unhealthy EMF exposure. People don’t want to pull back the curtain.

For those of us who didn’t comply, for whatever reasons, during the crusade to get a needle in every arm, and were cast out of not-so-polite society, it’s easier to see the malfeasance of our government agencies.

I’m glad today’s essay was a Part 1. I’ll be looking forward to future parts and in the meantime, spreading awareness out into the world. I’m also spreading awareness of the only candidate for president who is independent and is focusing on OUR nation’s health and prosperity.

✨✨KENNEDY24. ✨✨

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Michelle Rabin Ph. D.

Thank you Michelle for bringing up this very important subject. I have been aware of, and concerned about, the effects of EMFs for a very long time. When I was looking at buying a new home 20 years ago, I remember thinking to myself "what were people thinking" when I saw homes that were sitting relatively close to high intensity power lines. Now, 20 years later, when it's almost impossible to avoid EMFs that we are all surrounded by everywhere, I do what I can to minimize my exposure. I am a cancer survivor, so it is that much more important for me to keep my exposure as low as is humanly possible. Over the years, I have minimized my use of my cell phone, and when I do use it, I use it on speaker. I have shutoff all WiFi in my home and had all computers hardwired. Now that they are rolling out 5G, I'm hard-pressed to find a solution that will prevent my constant exposure to that. Short of building a Faraday cage around my home, or myself while being out and about, I don't know how, or if, I can do that. I hope more people, like you, continue to ring the alarm bells on this matter. Thank you.

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It's not only the regulatory agencies that are captured by industry. It is all of government, and the game is to put the regulatory agencies front and center so they can take the "hits" from the public. Not only is government captured, but the mainstream media are captured through bribes we call advertisements, and Academia is captured through bribes we call research grants. The Courts are captured, as we have seen in their Covid-19 and wireless radiation rulings.

The wireless situation is more pervasive and harmful than anyone can imagine. My comprehensive monograph on this topic (https://repository.gatech.edu/entities/publication/21d25ef0-0460-463d-89bc-72366723d93c) addressed the major wireless issues, but many more exist. Too many people are addicted to what wireless can offer for the situation to be reversed. I believe we will see major expansions in terrestrial and space wireless infrastructure for as far as the eye can see.

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