I too thank you for telling us who you are in such a thorough way. My views and political leanings coincide with yours. I am an African American Civil Rights, Women's Rights and Peace organizer and activists. I am an Elder. I knew Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and marched with him on several demos during the Nonviolent Freedom Movement of the 60s and beyond. I was close friends with Congressman John Lewis, when we were both members of SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.) It is a relief to know that there are Progressive Democrats, feminists, and Human Rights Activist who have serious questions about the mass vaccinating program being pushed down our throats by our government and the Mainstream Media. I am shocked, appalled and frightened that over one million adverse events and thousands of deaths have been logged on VAERS and yet the MSM m makes no mention of it and our government continues to push these EUA injections as if these deaths and injuries are not occurring. This is Orwell's 1984 and beyond. I see no accountability in sight for this horrible set of events. Almost every person I know (family and friends) have received the jab, have no questions and become terribly annoyed over any questions I raise. Thank you for being brave enough to write publicly about your concerns. P.S. Does you husband have a website or blog about herbal medicines? I would love to learn more about natural forms of healing. Thank you, again!

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What an interesting history you have Gwendolyn. To have known Dr. King and Congressman Lewis was both an honor and a privilege. I think the hardest thing that I've had to contend with from my democratic friends/family ( ALL of whom are vaccinated) is that the truth is literally unbelievable. Despite the scientific evidence I can throw at them, they hold onto the notion that IF this were true, MSM would report on it. I then explain about the Trusted News Initiative, which causes their eyes to glaze over and then falls on deaf ears. I am so pleased that others, who were also activists and liberal in their beliefs, can find their way to my substack. It appears that typically it is the right leaning folks who have found my site, which is something I've found very interesting. Many have been thoughtful and supportive of my journey. I had hoped that this specific post would be a potential way to show the values that we share despite our various political beliefs.

I have been working to support the FLCCC (www.flccc.net) over the last 2 years and have seen the struggles they have had to endure. Most had been liberal democrats for decades yet found themselves denograted and essentially blackballed by their peers and MSM. It is beyond shocking to me. To witness the reality that physicians are no longer allowed to provide informed consent to their patients...in America...is simply beyond anything I could have previously imagined. It frightens me to consider what impact these vaccines will have, long term, on the health and wellness of hundreds of millions of people around the globe. Fortunately, those from less wealthy countries, will be able to escape the worst of it, should the long term safety reveal substantial physical harm done by these experimental vaccines. We have already seen the VAERS reports yet that hasn't appeared to cause concern for the masses. I suspect cognitive dissonance plays a major role in that delusion unfortunately.

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Hi Gwendolyn. It is good to hear from another liberal leaning democrat who understands and appreciates the science that, at least IMHO, leads one to incontrovertibly conclude that it does not support the use of these vaccines. Much of the people who don’t agree with the vaccines or mask mandates tend to lean more to the right, not that that is a bad thing. It’s been pretty lonely the past 2 years being part of a couple who are unvaccinated amongst many of the people around us. Even friends were reluctant to be with us, unless it was outside and at a distance, which proved more challenging during the winter months. The level of vilification from vaccinated people for being “murderers” was also quite disheartening.

I agree with you also, as Michelle has previously written about as well, that mainstream media has been shameful in the complete absence of any real investigative journalism looking at the science. It’s as if they all copied and pasted the primary memes put out by our government health agencies and just kept publishing them over and over again. Sadly, it has truly broken my confidence in the media to be the “Fourth Estate” that we, at least in theory, always needed as a check against power and privilege.

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Michelle, I kept waiting for a statement I disagreed with even a little, yet it never came. I'm with you too, from #1 to 25.

I'm a lifelong progressive Dem (my dream ticket was Bernie/Warren) vehemently against the Covid "vaccine" and highly wary of most vaccines after tremendous personal research for the past 10+ years. My disappointment in MSM these past 2 yrs is huge. My shock and sorrow over my (truly intelligent) friends and family members caving to fear by getting jabbed and refusing to consider anything beyond the mainstream narrative is incalculable.

I'm a certified sexuality counselor in a (fairly) liberal city in a very red southern state, and as of this year a one issue voter for bodily autonomy & medical freedom. While I expect it will be painful voting for Republicans for the first time in my life I also believe at this point I have no other choice. It's heartening and validating to read your posts, so thanks and keep them coming.

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Yes KC, it's unbelievable to realize that our otherwise intelligent and curious friends/family have caved to the panic that has been created by MSM and our public health authorities. Their unwillingness to even read the research I've sent along is mindblowing.

I had supported Warren also, but for the presidency, as I believed that a woman president would be a game changer on so many levels. I believe men are hardwired to seek power and control. I believe women are hardwired to protect others and seek compromise. Winning or gaining power isn't their number one driver.

I think I'll have to become an "independent" as I am painfully aware of the reality that my values and beliefs, in general, are not supported by the republican agenda. Take Senator Ron Johnson for example. I will be forever grateful that he has supported the use of off label FDA approved medicines and had multiple Senate testimonies with physician experts to share their research BUT he's now on a mission to undo the affordable care act. How can you truly support the health and wellness of all Americans and dismantle the ACA? He also is a huge supporter/protector of Trump. If he truly cared about the American people, he would have taken actions independent of politics. He has not done so. How much more information about former president Trump do we have to reveal before people understand how dangerous this man truly is. Prior to the 2016 elections, leading mental health professionals, from the top universities around the country, penned an urgent letter to Congress warning of the profound harm a sociopathic narcissist can do to this country and the world. It landed on deaf ears. My personal belief is that the majority of the GOP, who have supported early treatment, do so because they want to do everything in their power to point to the damage done by the Democrats. Let's not forget however, this is the very same FDA, CDC and NIH that was in power when Trump was president. With over 200 scientific research papers supporting the safety and use of hydroxychloroquine, they weren't able to get EUA for that medication to be maintained. I believe their agenda has been to paint the picture that the Democrats have screwed up big time but the Republicans were in power when the vaccines were developed and approved. Ultimately I don't trust ANYONE in Congress. They have all failed to prevent the mass vaccination of our country with an experimental vaccine/gene therapy, when safe, effective and evidence based treatments were and are available. Ultimately if someone was given informed consent and still wants to be vaccinated, then they should of course have that option. To require everyone to be vaccinated is criminal in my opinion. Shame on all of them.

I had hoped that this particular post would show some of my republican subscribers that we do in fact share many similar and important values. To date, none have commented unfortunately. As you've seen, getting Democrats to join in on these discussions, or simply reading substacks like mine, is extremely challenging. I am curious how you actually found me, if you're comfortable sharing.

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I don't recall exactly how I landed on your Substack, but if you comment on other likeminded Substacks I probably read one of your comments and followed you here from there. I follow 25 or so, including Toby Rogers (my favorite), Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone, Coffee & Covid, Meryl Nass, Aaron Siri, Coronawise, Resisting the Intellectual Illiterati, and others. Some are frustrating (Coffee & Covid, for one) due to the heavy dose of Republican talking points thrown in and lots of fovever Trumpers in the comment sections. But I sort through it all seeking the truth about this one issue, ignoring the snark and other right wing stuff.

I spend around 20hrs a week keeping up on the C19/vaccine situation, mostly by reading. (It's a little exhausting as I work full-time and am currently researching my 2nd book.) My Twitter feed has become all-C19-and-"vaccine"-all-the-time, basically. An old friend yesterday commented on a tweet saying I should just "move on" already. I replied that millions of lives have been ruined in the biggest scam and power grab in US history, so no I won't just shrug and "move on" ...not until everyone responsible has been shamed into an early grave or publicly apologizes.

Warren is another one who deeply disappointed me. She's too smart to not see what's happening...the way Big Pharma has captured our regulatory agencies and the lies we're being fed. I refuse to believe she doesn't see it, yet like everyone except Ron Johnson & DeSantis she plays along. Sickening. But yes, I also agree with you that those men are still problematic. I don't know what the answer is. Obviously supporting Independents...that is if there are any running who truly get it.

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I hear you. It's SO unbelievably frustrating that people close to us don't get it, despite our best efforts.Quite frankly, I don't know how people are able to sleep at night, those who are aware of the scientific fraud that has been occuring and the profound numbers of unnecessary deaths. I rejected twitter years ago. I actually stopped using it once Trump was elected. I refused to support a platform that he used to control the country and the narrative. It felt like everyone was waiting, holding their breath for his next crazy tweet, which seemed to capture all of MSM. I suspect, at this point, I'm shooting myself in the foot by now linking to a twitter account but I can't seem to get myself to go there. I will check out Toby Rogers - thanks for the suggestion. Regarding independents, no, I don't believe anyone potentially capable of winning a general election will appear. It's my statement, like Bernie Sanders, who identifies as an independent but whose values are typically aligned with the democratic party. Bottom line, if a Republican candidate appeared whose values and policies I agreed with, I would have the flexibility to vote for her or him. As I write that, I can hardly believe it's come to that...but it has. Keep on truckin my fellow warrior, in this fight for the truth.

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Thank you, Michelle, for sharing more of who you are with all of us. It's not easy putting oneself out there on the internet, as that often unfortunately leads to lots of harsh feedback from people who see things differently. I applaud you for that.

You can put me down as having beliefs consistent with your 1 - 25. No exceptions.

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After last week's post where I was painfully confronted, I was a bit fearful about exposing so much about myself but if I'm going to put my money where my mouth is, I thought this type of transparency might encourage some real discussion from my readers. Of course I never really expected anyone to share ALL of my beliefs. I appreciate that you've taken the time to compare our beliefs.

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