Oct 29, 2022Liked by Michelle Rabin Ph. D.

I ordered it from Jeremy Hammond, and it was the correct book. It is devestating, in a clear way. Thank you for this backstory, I had no idea the authors have been maligned so for telling the truth. More crimes on crimes, against science and truth, all the way down.

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It's remarkable to me that so many physicians and scientists have had their reputations ruined for standing up and reporting on the truth. I just learned that Dr. Peter McCullough lost his position as Editor in Chief of Cardiorenal Medicine and Review without so much as a phone call. He also lost his decades long board certification in Internal Medicine and Cardiology. It's literally unimaginable that something like that could happen to a physician who had been so well respected and published. I hope he will take legal action against all of them. We cannot let this stand.

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Thanks Michelle...I do gotta wonder, when platforms and agencies and boards kick out the best and brightest, whether fighting them for reinstatement is the right action. It amounts to training an abuser that abuse works, that the abused will come crawling, fighting back. It's illogical as a behavior, when you think about it. The USA is filled with people who left Europe and elsewhere when religious/scientific/political leaders kicked them out for various hereseys like saying the sun was the center of the universe or that their view of 'God' or bible differed. It is a personal sacrifice to depart from them, but more of one, I think, to stay and try to 'fix' their horrible ineptitude and idiocy and worse. The Cabal wants any smart people dead, who don't work for the Cabal. Never go back only forward.

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I hear you Jacquelyn however IF one doesn't take legal action, that allows this unacceptable behavior by boards and journals to continue. By not fighting, one is left to slink away and lick their wounds. I believe they MUST be reinstated. That is the only way to defeat this unacceptable behavior that has crippled these amazing doctors whose only crime has been to put their patients first. Not many would risk their career and livelihood to protect their patients. I believe those that do need our support and encouragement.

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Thanks for your reply M. Odds on fixing the AMA or any board? Let them kick out all who still have a brain, and who is left there? Droids, medical industrial droids. Kicking out the best will eventually destroy these agencies and boards, we should let their actions destroy themselves, which they are quickly doing anyway. If a million doctors stopped paying their board and licensing fees all at once, that would be a well deserved effect of this. Indeed, that is the direction that will produce results. A few rich individual doctors sueing to remain members of what are now criminal organisations....will keep the status quo going, IMO.

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If only doctors would have the courage to step up and speak out about what they're seeing. I do understand the financial consequences of doing so as most need their license to earn a living. I believe that if doctors would come together locally, they could garner a win. For example, if 50% of the physicians at a hospital ALL took this position and made demands to save their patients, the hospital wouldn't be able to function with them. I can't imagine they could afford to fire all of them and keep the hospital running. There has always been power in numbers. Unfortunately doctors tend to be conservative by nature and have achieved success by following orders. I wish there was a solution to this mess. I think when the public finally says ENOUGH - maybe that will start things rolling. Even though the current vaccinate rate is horrible, it hasn't had any observable impact on policy as of yet. IF, for example, a large number of physicians who are board certified in internal medicine took a stand, that too could contribute to change.....but I wouldn't bet the farm on them doing so.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022Liked by Michelle Rabin Ph. D.

I've been wanting to read Turtles All the Way Down for awhile. Another interesting book is Are You Crooked. There is a good video at the bottom of the article. The author speaks about the book.


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Thanks for your support. I 'm so glad you found me and enjoy reading my substacks. I'll check out the video as I've not heard about the book before.

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Beautiful and important article Michelle! Well written. Thank you. Sorry to.hear about Powells. I was disappointed with them a year or two ago when they refused to carry a book by Andy Ngo. He is a gay Asian reporter who was beat up by antifa in Pdx. He reports on their antics and they are out to get him. He had to hide in UK.for awhile. He's a great local reporter. Reporting against the mainstream narrative and Powells won't carry his book.

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It's just so discouraging that Powell's would take such a stand. This is a very different world from the one I grew up in. I feel such sadness for the next generation of kids who are growing up in this nightmare. Until we can stop this political division, we're all screwed I'm afraid.

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My book will be here soon. Michelle, have seen this from Marc G https://substack.com/inbox/post/69964559

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So glad you were able to get the book and having it arrive soon.

I'm afraid this is well over my head. I've sent it to a few trusted science nerds who won't be intimidated by it:) If I hear anything meaningful, I'll be sure to post it here.

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I have followed Marc a bit and he seems so concerned and still reasonable. I think his theory about the bolus is well worth more investigation. It certainly explains why so many people are not damaged as a result of the jab.

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Thanks for the review! I will definitely purchase a copy.

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, read Virus Mania by Dr. Sam Bailey. She’s a great speaker too. Check out her YouTube channel. Very interesting stuff!

I read that novel a few years ago. It was very popular, a best seller.

They probably should have named the vaccine book something else. When I searched for the vaccine book a couple of weeks ago I had to use specific terms to find it, otherwise the novel comes up because of its popularity. Mixing them up is an easy mistake to make.

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The two books with that title have very different covers. The correct book also has the secondary title Vaccine Science and Myth. Thanks for the tip about Bailey. I will check it out.

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