Great article Michelle! The use of fear as a tool to manipulate people has, I imagine, been around since the beginning of human history. There’s nothing really new about it, but now the fear mongers have technology to help spread that fear more rapidly and more globally than ever before. Fauci’s article in Cell Host and Microbe presents a treatise on the chronic failures of and subsequent need to re-think the entire vaccine development process for mucosal respiratory vaccines. In similar fashion, I propose we consider and analyze our automatic, ingrained reactions to the propagandists fear mongering, and start developing some new, more effective strategies of our own for counteracting the next waves of fear mongering following on the heels of the next alarmist pandemic.

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We all share your outrage but I am hesitant to believe the lawsuit avenue is the way to go. Lawyers make money, years go by, and plea deals are reached. Cash gets thrown around to plaintiffs but does that solve anything? This was a government-sponsored crime against humanity. You identified a potential coalition of action made up of the 30% resistance, the courageous doctors, and the Paul Revere information spreaders on alternative media. This group could be the revolutionary action committee to end Democide and bring justice for the victims. Every one of us is a victim. The group could convene an organizing committee of 10 trusted leaders, forge an action statement, convene an international summit, and create an action plan. The group would follow that with local organizing and peaceful protests at various influential centers for Democide. That would include government centers, Pharma locations, and media headquarters. I am envisioning a Yellow Vest uprising or Occupy Wall Street/Tea Party international ongoing pressure event. I am less familiar with overseas groups, but in the US Del Bigtree's ICANN group seems well-positioned to lead something like this. Naomi Wolfe's Daily Clout group also seems well-positioned. Steve Bannon is also on board/awake and his War Room has millions of supporters. Children's Health Defense is another option, although the focus on children is limiting. Obviously, we would need to make it clear that this coalition would not be supporting any pro-MRNA candidates at any level. This would not ne a medical freedom coalition. This would be a coalition for truth and health. It would be the impetus for new nations.

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Good article as always Michelle. DeSantis and Ladapo in Florida may get accountability Other states should follow. Sadly, it appears that no e are. I'm not a huge DeSantis fan, even if Florida is where woke goes to die, but what he and Ladapo are doing to hold the blowtorch to the belly of the malfeasants is good.

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Hi Michelle

I don't know if you will receive this but thought I would try. Thank you for your continued work! It means so much.

Just wanted you to know that today is a sad day. A friend of mine has a brother who is a pediatrician in California who is losing his MD license today because he gave a child an exemption for a vaccine six years ago. Outrageous isn't it! I told her about flcccalliance.and she forwarded the info to him.

This shows us all the more how vitally important your work is! What can we do about these draconian measures against doctors? This is so scary and unbelievable that it's happening here in this country. I get lulled to sleep at times but these types of things jar me awake again!

All the best to you and Sandy!


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