Dec 17, 2022Liked by Michelle Rabin Ph. D.

Michelle - You have re-ignited my convictions to re-connect with some friends who I had given up on because they just weren't open to anything I was trying to tell them. I have one friend, in particular, that I will start with. He and his wife have both been vaxxed and boosted to the max. We have had numerous conversations over the past 2 years, and he has always stuck to the party line. I think I am going to approach him, once again, maybe more gently and by appealing to his professional scientific mind, and send him the link to the expert roundtable video that Senator Johnson put together. That, I believe presents the most comprehensive picture, presented in a very professional and scientific format by clearly knowledgeable experts. I am going to do my best to get back out there with the light of science and try and push back the darkness. Thank you for this spark!

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Did you ever see the film “Social Dilemma” or “the great hack”? Both point to the dark digital matrix that has deeply embedded into all our lives. We are all like Neo from the Matrix series, trying to understand our own capture and the magnitude of the collective enslavement. While I think unplugging one other is not nothing, the vast majority are wired in so many different ways that 1984 seems quaint. Cambridge Analytica was but one node....I’ve always questioned everything, so I saw the wizard behind the curtain. The problem is that no one ever believes the wizard was there because he throws a false flag and flees before they catch on....

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I believe we are in the midst of a fascist takeover of our country. A communist regime in Washington, under the control of the 4th branch of government, and the most powerful branch, The intelligence community/DOD industrial complex has joined forces with global woke capitalists and meaning-making institutions to subjugate the rest of us. These are dark days. COVID gave them more opportunities to subjugate us but it also exposed them and brought some true liberals to our side.

Rather than seek togetherness, which plays into their tyranny, we should be continuing to persuade our friends with common sense of the danger we face and the need to rally together to stop them. We should be forming parallel systems and alternative economies not only to survive ourselves but to starve the tyrants because they still need us. Get your kids out of public schools, stop buying their corporate toxins, buy from local merchants you know, stop using their entertainment bread and circus.

This is how one would treat an abusive family member whose toxicity was creating harm.

I wrote about it this way in my book, Living a Good Life:

"I would not participate in activities and events about which I morally opposed. I would not associate with people (even friends and extended family) who I believed were not awake to the growing threats around us or were part of the problem because they chose to stick their heads in the sand. I would seek out wholesome activities and awake people. I would not participate in anything that was inconsistent with my beliefs or with anyone that was working against my people. I do not participate became my way of life.

I made this reactionary decision because I wanted to be the change I wished to see in the world. I wanted to lead by example. I wanted to let people know, who would like to keep company with me, that there were conditions to our relationship. I wanted to let them know that I was joining millions of other men and women in the fight for our civilization, and I expected them to become engaged in that fight or leave me alone to do it. I have no time or inclination for harmful or useless activities and harmful or useless relationships. There would be time to renew those relationships when we won this battle over darkness."

There are times in human history in which good men and women must stand against tyranny. This is one of those times.

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