I must confess that I made a decision about who Robert Kennedy Jr was and stuck with it for a very long time. I don’t even remember where I first heard negative things about him. I do recall back in the late 1990’s knowing that he was an avid environmentalist which is something that I’m especially passionate about. I just can’t figure out what caused me to drop him so precipitously as I did it without any serious evaluation. Seems I was a victim of mainstream media.
It was when I was reading a recent post by Steve Kirsch that I finally began to put the pieces together. Steve provides a timeline to explain what shifted for Kennedy. Apparently he had been especially concerned about the levels of mercury in fish and was doing everything he could to make the public aware of this. He started noticing that whenever he was giving public talks about this problem, there would typically be a group of women, sitting in the front few rows, that would approach him after his speech. The message was the same. These mothers spoke about the mercury that was in vaccines and the harm it was doing to their children. After a number of these experiences, Kennedy did some soul searching and came to the conclusion that he was an environmental activist and that he needed to stay focused on that critically important mission. One day however, one of the mothers who showed up to his talk came prepared with a mountain of research that she dropped the printed versions into his lap. Please have a look at this research….and he did. It was at that point that he realized that our children are being harmed by the mercury in vaccines that they were required to take. Interestingly, he still had “friends” in the FDA and the CDC and made a few calls asking about this issue. Each person pointed him to one man who could provide the information he was seeking. He finally had that conversation and was lied to. He pointed out the research that refuted this man’s claims and the rest is history. Robert Kennedy Jr. became known as the anti vax guy so the branding was complete.
I have been working with the FLCCC for about a year and half and have come to respect and admire everything that they’ve been doing on their humanitarian mission to save lives at the expense of their careers and reputation. One afternoon I got a text from Dr. Pierre Kory who urged me to get Kennedy’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci. I explained to Pierre that I was not a fan of Kennedy’s but given my respect for his opinion, I said I’d read the book. I want to encourage everyone to get this book and read it with an open mind. He has extensive references, as one would expect from an attorney, so one can be comfortable and confident with the information that is presented. The book paints a telling picture of the regulatory capture of our public health agencies with Tony Fauci at the center of the storm. I have to admit that I was aware of some of this information but perhaps I hadn’t put it all together before reading the book.
Soon after I met Pierre, I learned that a former colleague of my husband’s had been hired by Congress to consult on Covid. We were so relieved to realize the someone we trusted and respected was at the right place, in Washington D.C. at the right time, in the early days of Covid. We emailed all of the research we had accumulated and eagerly awaited a response. Nothing could have prepared us for the response. “There’s a pervasive problem on the Hill with how we prove the value of a low cost treatment.” As many of you likely know, ivermectin is a generic drug that costs pennies a dose around the globe and a few dollars a dose in the U.S. The shocking reality that our elected officials were so dependent upon their pharmaceutical donations that they were unwilling to consider a safe, effective, evidence based, inexpensive drug that had been given to over 4 Billion human beings over the last 40 years. No prescription drug has a safety profile comparable to ivermectin. It has a fraction of the VAERS reporting data compared to tylenol and aspirin, with less than 6,000 adverse effects combined over the 40 years of its use. I use vigiaccess.org, which is the WHO’s world adverse reporting system, which I believe may be more accurate than the U.S. VAERS system.
I am not an antivaxer. I had my child vaccinated and never questioned our public health recommendations…until now. Truth is, I’m a liberal democrat. Unfortunately we are now at a time in history when our very democracy is crumbling. We have lost the independence of our mainstream media, when they all agreed to the Trusted Health Initiative, which I wrote about in my last post. Without someone keeping an eye on our government, we’re unable to challenge or even discuss solutions that are keeping countless countries alive during Covid such as Uttar Pradesh in India or Mexico City.
I read an interesting post about Japan recently. They appear to be doing quite well, even during this time of Omicron and again, Steve Kirsch verified that with a recent post. Mainstream media however said that no one can figure out why that would be. Perhaps it’s because Japan has recognized the efficacy of ivermectin and it’s now being used throughout Japan to prevent hospitalization and death of those infected with SARS-CoV-2. I had to scroll through pages of google before I came up to the true information about Japan and ivermectin.
Although the government has not formally approved ivermectin to treat Covid, following Dr. Ozaki’s brave press conference, physicians can prescribe ivermectin for treatment without restriction. Please note the dramatic drop in cases 12 days after that went into effect.
It shows a similar, dramatic drop in cases as had happened in Uttar Pradesh. Same cover up, different country. In Uttar Pradesh, it was the WHO who refused to confirm what was in the “home medicine kits”, which included 12 mg of ivermectin.
In the U.S. however, the attorney general of New York, Lathisa James and our federal government, has done the exact opposite. She is threatening any licensed physician who prescribes, treats, or even shares the strong evidence of the efficacy of ivermectin with their patients, with the possible loss of their medical license. Has she been captured or is she simply misinformed? Perhaps we’ll never know. https://trialsitenews.com/feds-coming-after-doctors-pharmacies-that-market-ivermectin-as-effective-safe-for-covid-19/?utm_source=Contextly&utm_medium=ChannelEmail&utm_campaign=Ivermectin&utm_content=Notification
All of these attempts to suppress ivermectin, I consider to be crimes against humanity. If early treatment with ivermectin had been initiated a year ago, the pandemic would essentially be over, as it is in Uttar Pradesh. Over half a million lives would have been saved. Yes, those wanting to be vaccinated can have that available but those who choose to opt for early treatment instead would also have been able to save their own life if taken promptly upon symptoms. So tell me, does this look like insufficient evidence of efficacy? www.ivmmeta.com I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings about this.
Missed this as I am new to your substack. The indy (and former Emmy-award winning) journalist Alison Morrow did a few interviews with Dr. Mollie James, who worked at two ICU units before being forced out over the vax mandates. Dr. James had Covid and recovered (she was working daily with Covid patients, so no surprising) -- and so declined the vax. She was also prescribing Ivermectin -- and was/is a huge proponent of early treatment. Because she saw it save lives. All that somewhere on https://alisonmorrow.locals.com/
We have researchers dependent on big pharma dollars who say one thing. But we have numerous medical practitioners who say something else. & who have success stories. It's no longer a tough call for me. I'm going with the people who get results.
Thank you for your wonderful writing about this subject matter. I've been working on a Covid-related documentary and have been doing lots of street interviews with random people. So many people at this point and still nobody who has heard of or knows anything about early treatment. It's unreal. Anyhow, I was wondering if you'd be interested in being an interview subject for this documentary, I think that would be amazing. Please send an email to info@stophavingkids.org if you are interested.