We have all heard the public health agencies, captured mainstream media and our President declare that this is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”. NOT! In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. It is easy to see the efficacy of early treatment in those countries who did not have adequate access to the vaccines and subsequently were prepared to try off-label, FDA approved drugs that were now available in generic form. Why do you suppose those countries have significantly less Covid deaths than first world countries, such as the U.S., the U.K., and Israel, to name a few? The answer my friends is early treatment which is defined as taking a protocol of medicines and supplements, which typically includes ivermectin, within 3-5 days of symptoms. A recent Cornell University study actually tested ALL early treatments that have been used, which included the shiny new, expensive drugs by Pfizer and Moderna, and guess what they found? Ivermectin beat out all of the competition. https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.08176 In addition, there is no FDA approved drug that has a better safety profile, over 30+ years, than ivermectin.
It troubles me so much that our previously trusted public health agencies are doing everything in their power to protect the vaccines and dangerous treatments. One need only look at remdesivir to understand the length that they’ve taken to control what treatments Americans are ALLOWED to take. As you may know, the WHO has recommended against remdesivir as it has been shown to be ineffective. We also now know that it’s toxic. The adverse affects registry, Vigiaccess.org, which is utilized by the WHO to access these events around the world, has documented over 7,500 cases of adverse events in less than 1.5 years for remdesivir while ivermectin has less than 6,500 reported cases over 30+ years. So how does our government and hospitals deal with that reality? They actually give a 20% bonus to any hospital that administers this toxic infusion to a patient. That’s a 20% bonus of the entire cost of the hospitalization of said patient. I hope you find that as shocking as I do. In addition, they have taken a step that has never happened before in this country. They no longer allow physicians to practice medicine. Doctors must follow protocols established by our public health agencies and each hospital administration is free to disallow any treatments that vary from the approved protocols. This has been supported by the AMA and I’ve not heard of many mainstream physician in this country who are concerned about this breach of medical ethics and standards. Those who have are called Anti-vaxxers or spreaders of misinformation. Fortunately a growing number of courageous, international physicians have signed a Physician’s Declaration, a document that voices their disapproval of current public health care standards during the pandemic.
I hope you will take the time to read this document in order to get a full understanding of what has been happening around the world.
Another growing, international group of infectious diseases epidemiologists and public health scientists as well as physicians have signed the Great Barrington Declaration. They are currently 925,000 signatures strong.
The Nebraska Attorney General, Douglas Petersen, has determined, in his 48 page investigative document, that all licensed physicians are legally allowed to prescribe any FDA approved medicine for off-label use as long as they have research to support it and have gotten informed consent from their patient. https://ago.nebraska.gov/sites/ago.nebraska.gov/files/docs/opinions/21-017_0.pdf
One only has to go to ivmmeta.com to see the mountain of scientific research supporting the profound efficacy of ivermectin in all phases of Covid.
The bottom line is that the ability to prescribe the off label use of FDA approved drugs is common practice in the U.S. with approximately 20% of all prescriptions written on any day are for drugs that are being used off-label and that practice has always been allowed…..until Covid. Breaking long established norms within the practice of medicine is a dangerous slide into a darkness that has led to the deaths of at least 500,000 people in this country alone. Had those people been allowed the option to receive early treatment with safe, effective, evidence based treatments, it would have dramatically reduced overall Covid mortality. Ivermectin, for example, has even proven effective against later stages of Covid, in addition to its prophylactic and early treatment efficacy. It would be helpful to review the significant reduction in mortality of hospitalized Covid patients under the care of Dr. Joseph Varon in Houston, where he was able to achieve a reduced mortality rate of 5% of severely ill hospitalized patients vs the early national average rate of over 20%. How can anyone morally justify preventing any hospital from utilizing his highly effective protocol? As we know, they simply have and continue to do so.
Let’s not forget what the WHO did regarding Uttar Pradesh. After assisting in delivering hundreds of millions of “home health kits” to every village and community in this region of 240 million people, they praised the health authorities of Uttar Pradesh for their remarkable success. Essentially after about 2 months, the pandemic was over. Did they make that protocol available to every single country around the world? NO, they did not. Instead, they refused to confirm that ivermectin was an instrumental part of those home medicine kits. The Indian Bar Association has since sanctioned the lead scientist of the WHO for spreading misinformation and interfering with the success of ivermectin. Below please find the story which was posted on Trial Site News. They have done a remarkable job of investigating the ivermectin story around the globe along with Michael Capuzzo’s RESCUE on substack.
“Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO), was apparently served a legal notice by Indian Bar Association (IBA) on May 25, 2021, for her alleged act of spreading disinformation and thus misleading the people of India, in order to fulfill her own agenda, so the plaintiff’s action declares. It is reported that Dr. Soumya Swaminathan deliberately ignored and suppressed the FLCCC and BIRD Panel’s data regarding the effectiveness of the drug Ivermectin, with an intent to dissuade the people of India from using Ivermectin. Moreover, the nation of India has included ivermectin in their national protocol and, as TrialSite recently reported, in states where the treatment is in wide use an unprecedented reduction of cases is now reported. Of course, it’s difficult to prove a direct correlation without a designed study but the turnaround in cases in Uttar Pradesh, one of the states with a population-wide ivermectin regimen, is indeed striking.”
A citizen group in France is suing “France’s National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products, or ANSM, for allegedly colluding with foreign influences to quash research into early treatment options for COVID-19, including ivermectin.” as reported by Trial Site News. https://trialsitenews.com/lawsuit-claims-french-official-and-uk-academic-committed-a-scientific-crime-smeared-ivermectin/
They defined it as a “scientific crime” by smearing ivermectin. Others have used the term “crimes against humanity” which has been directed against the WHO and in theory could be used against many public health authorities around the world. Of course the U.S. is included in this sentiment. Early treatment had been available since the very early days of the pandemic. As we learned from Uttar Pradesh, whose rate of vaccination was less than 4% during the 2 months of use of the home medical kits, the world could have embraced early treatment drugs and we would have averted the devastation of the global pandemic. We could have avoided the horrendous financial, academic and emotional costs that have been incurred by the measures that were taken against the pandemic. The reality is that IF early treatments had been available as an approved treatment for Covid, they could not have used an emergency use authorization for the vaccines.
In the U.S. there are many ongoing lawsuits against key players in the Covid war that isn’t being reported to the public so it’s always possible that some will prove fruitful. Unfortunately, we’re all aware of our broken legal system so it’s uncertain how that reality will impact those critical cases.
So where do we go from here? As Israel, the UK and the Netherlands remove pandemic mandates, we will see how long it will take other countries to follow suit. Checking their Covid rates of infection today, I see that all those countries have continued to see decreasing numbers of Covid infections and death. Looking at the rates of Covid in the UK, for example, clearly shows that the dropping of previously believed reasonable mandates have NOT interfered with the lessening rates of infection that the UK is experiencing.
The same holds true for Israel, which had been the most vaccinated and boosted of any country, without success mind you. Dropping their mandates and passports has shown that rates of Covid continue to drop. Oops, that might be a problem for the U.S. public health agencies but fortunately for them, they have successfully captured our mainstream media so in reality, it hasn’t been much of a problem after all.
Unfortunately it isn’t possible to compare the efficacy of vaccines directly against the efficacy of early treatment - as no clinical trials have been established to do so. We can compare the results of physicians who have treated thousands of Covid patients with early treatment with outstanding success. One physician practice, for example, has treated 10,000 Covid patients with an early treatment protocol with NO deaths and only 3 hospitalizations. We certainly can’t say that about the vaccinated, especially with the Omicron variant.
I googled the definition of “disinformation” and learned that this noun is defined as “false information which is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or the media”. I believe our public health agencies have been guilty of spreading disinformation. Misinformation, on the other hand, is defined as “false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive”. I believe those speaking out to educate the public about safe, effective, evidence based early treatments have done so to correct the disinformation and misinformation that has crippled our response to Covid. I still find myself continually shaking my head in disbelief. How can this be happening in America?
The cognitive dissonance is mind-bending and takes so much out of me as I find myself questioning myself when I know this is a Plandemic-Scamdemic and the vaccines are gene therapy harming untold numbers of ppl. So difficult to comprehend the degree of evil involved and uncaring attitude of the entire world. How is it these ppl, the WEF, think they are so entitled as to take over the world???
We are under the thumb of the global authoritarians now...that is, the Communist Party of China, the Davos Crowd, and the Corporatists (aka fascists). And our politicians are so feckless, they've bent over and haven't done a damn thing.